Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why start a blog?

Well, I was thinking this weekend about things I used to love to do...long before kids, even before marriage. I guess this is normal when you actually get time to yourself to sit and think when you have two young children and a busy think about what you used to do before kids. One of those things I did today. I got to take a long run, one of my favorite things to do in the world, and listen to my ipod which brought back great music which led me to this thought...I used to listen to all kinds of music, now I listen to the Sound of Music soundtrack or those awful Between the Lions Cds that Chickfila gives you. Then I started thinking..what else have I left behind that I used to love to do?? Writing. Im not great at it...the only person who ever told me I was was my 7th grade teacher in Creative Writing and she doesnt count. But I love to write and for some reason I can communicate what Im trying to say so much better on paper than I can when talking to someone. So hear goes my blog...Im guessing it will be pretty diverse in topic, from crazy kid stories to life as a Jensen, to recipes, to what I think God might be teaching me, to who knows what else. So hears to writing again. I dont care if I have 0 followers, I feel better already.


  1. oh...and I meant to say...I feel like although my life is busy, its somehow simple and joyful and all that I could ever want at the same time.

  2. hi!! i'm so happy you have a blog! you're going to love it. it really is a great way to sort thoughts and keep a virtual scrapbook of your family. i'll be keeping up. hope yall are doing well!
